MWS Expeditions provide youth, ages 16 to 18, with an immersive and challenging backcountry experience. Participants develop advanced skills in campcraft, backcountry cooking, leadership, and navigation while deepening connections with peers in a remote wilderness environment.


Backcountry Camps for Ages 16-18

  • Rock Camp

    June 20-27 | 8 Days
    Level: Introductory - Moderate

  • Alpine Backpacking

    August 7-21 | 15 Days
    Level: Moderate - Advanced

  • Intro to Packrafting

    August 9-14 | 6 Days
    Level: Moderate

  • Backpacking Skills for Aspiring Hunters

    August 14-23 | 10 Days
    Level: Moderate - Advanced

“We have noticed so many changes. He gained real confidence and has shown perseverance with some challenges he set for himself. And he has become more self-reliant, while also asking for input and helping more willingly.”

—2022 MWS Participant Parent